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    Sneaker Colour Freak

    Fun Fair
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    Fun Fair
    Fun Fair
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    Sneaker Colour  Freak Empty Sneaker Colour Freak

    Fri Sep 03, 2021 10:08 am
    Welcome Online Lockdown Learners!

    In this challenge you will read about how the sneaker industry is using colour to win over new customers.
    Once you have learned about some basics put your new learning to the test.

    Can you design the next big sneaker trend?

    Step 1:  Read this short article from The New York Times.

    Step 2: Now have a go at creating your own colourway designs using the links in this document.

    Step 3: Copy and use this document to share your design and explain your choices with your tutor

    To successfully finish this challenge you will need to complete all 3 steps.

    Any problems?  Anything not working?  Just get in touch with a tutor who can guide you through.


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    Sneaker Colour  Freak Empty Re: Sneaker Colour Freak

    Fri Sep 03, 2021 4:04 pm
    Great challenge, here's my go! 

    Introducing the Converse: K-Road. Bringing old skool style with a bit of hipster flair! 

    Sneaker Colour  Freak EuTveci

    Sneaker Colour  Freak TAKlYCa

    Sneaker Colour  Freak Zs0qC79

    What colours have you chosen?

    The outside is Off White, the tongue is White, the laces are Black, the sole is black, and the heel stripe is Cool Sage 

    What do these colours mean, what connections do they have for you and why do you like them?

    I wanted to start with a basic old skool baseball look, with the rustic Off White base, and with the traditional logo. I made the tongue pure white to give it a bit more modern style and contrast even harder with the all black laces and sole when viewed from above where a customer would first be looking at them. The heel stripe gives a bit of flash to it in something that would otherwise just be two extreme colour opposites on the spectrum. 

    What kind of emotional responses do you think the colours might get?

    I think people will see the heel from behind and be expecting something more colourful so then looking at the whole thing and getting a more traditional style will be at first off-putting, but also surprising and unexpected, similarly this green would be just as unexpected if viewing from the front at first. 

    Who would you be aiming this design at?

    Mid 20s to 40s adults who want something nice (gotta keep white shoes clean!) but also a bit of a throw back style to something not as professional showing their personality with the green stripe showing that there's more to them than what you might expect! By naming it after the local hipster street it would fit well into that indie scene. 

    Have you gone ‘subtle’ or ‘bold and in your face’ with your choices?  Why?

    Subtle, for the most part, will allow them to match with more clothes and not be the whole story of an outfit. 

    Any other thoughts  to share about your sneaker colourway design?

    Very cool project, I actually designed my own converse shoes about 15 years ago... I've become a better designer since then  lol!

    thelomeleisea, JuneACES, DamienF, Frances and Fun Fair like this post

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    Sneaker Colour  Freak Empty Sneaker Challenge

    Sat Sep 04, 2021 4:30 pm

    thelomeleisea, Karyl P, Bryant, JuneACES, DamienF, SioneT, Frances and Fun Fair like this post

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    Sneaker Colour  Freak Empty Re: Sneaker Colour Freak

    Sun Sep 05, 2021 3:07 pm
    Sneaker Colour  Freak Screen27

    What colours have you chosen?

    The outside is classic Ari Force One white, with the nike logo, swoosh in royal orange.

    What do these colours mean, what connections do they have for you and why do you like them?

    According to color psychology:2

    Orange is;A combination of yellow and red and is considered an energetic color.

    Calls to mind feelings of excitement, enthusiasm, and warmth.

    I went with White as this is the classic air force one colour from Urban Hip hop culture, which I love.

    What kind of emotional responses do you think the colours might get?

    Orange is also the following things;

    1. Is often used to draw attention, such as in traffic signs and advertising.
    2. s energetic, which is perhaps why many sports teams use orange in their uniforms, mascots, and branding.
    3. Is also the color of bright sunsets and fruits such as oranges and tangerines, so many people might associate the color with the beauty of a setting sun or the refreshing taste of citrus.
    4. Orange is also linked to autumn and the color of dying leaves and pumpkins.

    Who would you be aiming this design at?

    I am a 52 year old, so i would be aiming at a similar age group (Mid 30s to Mid 50s)

    Have you gone ‘subtle’ or ‘bold and in your face’ with your choices?  Why?

    Subtle as I feel white is simple and wrks well with dark jeans which i have a preference for.

    Any other thoughts  to share about your sneaker colourway design?

    Super dope project. Enjoyed doing this challenge in between completing my chores lol.

    thanks Lara

    Karyl P, Bryant, JuneACES, DamienF, Frances and Fun Fair like this post

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    Sneaker Colour  Freak Empty "Somewhere Over the Rainbow"

    Mon Sep 06, 2021 2:39 pm
    Loved doing this challenge. 
    As an ex manager for Footlocker, AF1's were my jam but I never got to customise any! So this was amazing!

    INTRODUCING TO YOU ALL "Somewhere over the Rainbow"  Sneaker Colour  Freak 1f308 .... lives Eliza from South Auckland!!! LOL

    Sneaker Colour  Freak Yb3VPE2

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    Sneaker Colour  Freak Empty Re: Sneaker Colour Freak

    Mon Sep 06, 2021 2:48 pm

    On behalf of my student Charlotte McGeady who has designed a pair of AF1's in her favourite colours. Posting on her behalf as she didn't know how to do it Smile 

    Sneaker Colour  Freak WLDxSMN

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    Sneaker Colour  Freak Empty CONVERSE CHUCK TAYLORS - LONG BOOT

    Mon Sep 06, 2021 11:09 pm
    Sneaker Colour  Freak 0x2he5CSneaker Colour  Freak 0msCBMv


    • Navy blue, creamredand black. I like simple.


    • The shoe tongue is Zebra.  I was thinking spontaneous! 


    • I prefer to wear short cut, but decided to design a long boot to be different. 


    • I chose navy blue to be the main colour with a red rim around the shoe, Zebra pattern tongue and cream.

    Sneaker Colour  Freak Fresse Sneaker Colour  Freak Icon_biggrin Sneaker Colour  Freak Icon_lol Sneaker Colour  Freak Alien Sneaker Colour  Freak Icon_cat Sneaker Colour  Freak Icon_cyclops Sneaker Colour  Freak Lol Sneaker Colour  Freak Icon_rr Sneaker Colour  Freak Icon_flower Sneaker Colour  Freak Icon_geek Sneaker Colour  Freak Icon_king Sneaker Colour  Freak Icon_albino Sneaker Colour  Freak Icon_queen 

    thelomeleisea, Karyl P, Bryant, JuneACES, DamienF, Frances and Fun Fair like this post

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    Sneaker Colour  Freak Empty Nice work on Sneaker design Frances!

    Tue Sep 07, 2021 4:55 pm
    @frances nice work on Sneaker Challenge


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    Sneaker Colour  Freak Empty Caleb Shoe Challenge

    Wed Sep 08, 2021 12:32 pm
    Sneaker Colour  Freak 9IHj07Y

    Personal Design and Colourway Explanation
    Name: Caleb Sneaker Type:Nike
    What colours have you chosen?
    white, grey and black
    What do these colours mean, what connections do they have for you and why do you like them?
    Nothing I just like these colours
    What kind of emotional responses do you think the colours might get?
    Who would you be aiming this design at?
    Have you gone ‘subtle’ or ‘bold and in your face’ with your choices? Why?
    Any other thoughts to share about your sneaker colourway design?

    Last edited by CalebJ on Fri Sep 10, 2021 5:02 pm; edited 1 time in total

    thelomeleisea, Bryant, JuneACES, DamienF, Frances, Fun Fair and rockinR0lly like this post

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    Sneaker Colour  Freak Empty Re: Sneaker Colour Freak

    Wed Sep 08, 2021 12:37 pm
    Well done @Caleb. Your shoe colours are awesome. Looking forward to your reasoning behind the designing of your shoe.
    Awesome work buddie.

    Bryant, JuneACES and Frances like this post

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    Sneaker Colour  Freak Empty Re: Sneaker Colour Freak

    Wed Sep 08, 2021 1:08 pm
    Nice one, @CalebJ and your post was the 600th one on the Hub  cheers

    JuneACES, Frances and eliza like this post

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    Sneaker Colour  Freak Empty Damo's Out of this World Design

    Sat Sep 04, 2021 4:30 pm
    Sneaker Colour  Freak VRLThJw

    What colours have you chosen?
    Purple, Black, Grey

    What do these colours mean, what connections do they have for you and why do you like them?

    I wanted something that was unique and stood out just like me! I chose the Air Force Ones because I have always loved them but they are usually out of my price range haha. I always liked the colour purple and wanted something that stood out and was eye-catching. I wanted to balance out the eye catching purple with the traditional black offset by the lighter grey shade of the laces.

    What kind of emotional responses do you think the colours might get?

    Purple Is Unique and Exotic. Since purple does not often occur in nature, it can sometimes appear exotic or artificial. For this reason, it tends to be quite a polarizing color. People tend to either really love purple or really hate it. It is also a colour that is associated with spirituality and royalty that represent influence and a connection to something greater. My aim was to have a design that stood out and was not just a copy of a lot of the common designs. My hope is that like the colour purple people will notice them and they will stand out leading to people either loving them or hating them but not being able to ignore them.

    Who would you be aiming this design at?

    I would be aiming it at young people or adults who love to stand out from the crowd. They are not gender specific but with a bold design that appeal to anyone who wants to be noticed.

    Have you gone ‘subtle’ or ‘bold and in your face’ with your choices?  Why?

    BOLD - because we need to stand out! We need to express who we are and be individuals not just follow the crowd!

    Any other thoughts  to share about your sneaker colourway design?

    This activity is so cool and heaps of fun!  I enjoyed not only the designing but also the researching the meaning of colours and reading about why the major brands choose colours.

    thelomeleisea, Bryant, JuneACES and Frances like this post

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    Sneaker Colour  Freak Empty Awesome work on your design Caleb love your work bro!

    Wed Sep 08, 2021 6:59 pm
    Sneaker Colour  Freak UJKhP2Q @@"calebJ" @farrely

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    Sneaker Colour  Freak Empty lovin the Purple AF1s bro

    Wed Sep 08, 2021 7:05 pm
    Sneaker Colour  Freak 17oIzDA

    @damien @damienf

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    Sneaker Colour  Freak Empty Air Born x by Austin Baxter

    Wed Sep 08, 2021 8:24 pm

    "Air Born x" by Austin Baxter

    Sneaker Colour  Freak APjgELZ

    Sneaker Colour  Freak OqBuOqu

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    Sneaker Colour  Freak Empty Re: Sneaker Colour Freak

    Wed Sep 08, 2021 11:33 pm
    Nice one @AustinB

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    Sneaker Colour  Freak Empty nice post Austin! Airborn X are sick

    Thu Sep 09, 2021 4:54 am
    Nice sneaker design Austin the man @AustinB


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    Sneaker Colour  Freak Empty Somewhere over the Rainbow design is dope

    Thu Sep 09, 2021 4:59 am
    Lovin the crazy colour scheme on your AF1s Eliza and Manager of Footlocker...nice nice what haven't you done girl lol!

    Sneaker Colour  Freak 3RKZHZR

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    Sneaker Colour  Freak Empty Re: Sneaker Colour Freak

    Thu Sep 09, 2021 2:31 pm
    Sneaker Colour  Freak U1VxcOH

    What colours have you chosen?

    I have chosen Honeycombe smooth, Blue void and Sail for my shoes

    What do these colours mean, what connections do they have for you and why do you like them?

    These colours don't have any particular meaning or a connection to anything. I just liked how they all go together.

    What kind of emotional responses do you think the colours might get?

    A pretty chilled response

    Who would you be aiming this design at?

    Anybody that is interested in a smart casual shoe.

    Have you gone ‘subtle’ or ‘bold and in your face’ with your choices?  Why?

    Subtle, so that they are fit for all occasions.

    Any other thoughts  to share about your sneaker colourway design?
    Just that I had fun doing this.

    thelomeleisea, Bryant, Frances and rockinR0lly like this post

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    Sneaker Colour  Freak Empty Re: Sneaker Colour Freak

    Fri Sep 10, 2021 9:58 am
    Sneaker Colour  Freak D845bd6e-5238-4126-a04d-14f97284c939  Sneaker Colour  Freak F2a57d07-7d13-4c64-9d9a-312c43b2aff3Sneaker Colour  Freak 612ea091-f1c5-426e-9d9f-864754759646   Sneaker Colour  Freak F8c1a49f-545e-42a7-aa3d-bfb77e26adab
    I’m an earthy coloured person
    Also, colourful in nature. Don’t mind standing out now and then.

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    Sneaker Colour  Freak Empty Levi Shoe Colour way Challenge

    Mon Sep 13, 2021 10:59 am
    Sneaker Colour  Freak NSlInLZ

    Personal Design and Colour-way Explanation
    Name: levi                                                   Sneaker Type:Nike air force 1
    What colours have you chosen?
    red white black
    What do these colours mean, what connections do they have for you and why do you like them?
    hmm just looked good with the shoe
    What kind of emotional responses do you think the colours might get?
    Who would you be aiming this design at?
    me and not anyone in particular because everyone likes different things
    Have you gone ‘subtle’ or ‘bold and in your face’ with your choices?  Why?
    BOLD - so they stand out
    Any other thoughts  to share about your sneaker colourway design?
    It was a fun experience

    The key here is to share your designs and explanation with your tutor.

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    Sneaker Colour  Freak Empty Paia! Yeeha Levi!

    Mon Sep 13, 2021 6:51 pm
    Paia!  Yeeha! Go you Levi!  queen   geek lol!

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    Sneaker Colour  Freak Empty Re: Sneaker Colour Freak

    Thu Sep 16, 2021 6:43 am
    Awesome mahi everyone keep up with the designs

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    Sneaker Colour  Freak Empty Re: Sneaker Colour Freak

    Thu Sep 16, 2021 6:12 pm
    Sneaker Colour  Freak 7OLhJex

    Name: Affonso Sneaker Type:Nike
    What colours have you chosen?
    Mainly Plane
    What do these colours mean, what connections do they have for you and why do you like them?
    I just like plain colours
    What kind of emotional responses do you think the colours might get?
    Happy, fun, joyus.
    Who would you be aiming this design at?
    People who like plain shoes but that are also nice
    Have you gone ‘subtle’ or ‘bold and in your face’ with your choices? Why?
    Any other thoughts to share about your sneaker colourway design?
    I loved designing my shoes.

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    Sneaker Colour  Freak Empty Re: Sneaker Colour Freak

    Thu Sep 16, 2021 6:40 pm
    Nice one! I love the gold logo on the laces, that's smooth!

    JuneACES and Frances like this post

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